Wednesday, February 19, 2014

16 Month Update

16 months. There's a part of me that doesn't even remember what life was like before 16 months ago. It's hard to remember what it feels like to sleep in, what the house looked like without toys scattered everywhere, what it's like to not wake up feeling exhausted everyday... honestly, I think life was a little boring before 16 months ago.

Each month gets a little more fun with Harper and Keegan! They are little sponges that soak up everything around them! I love to watch them learn new things! They both love to show you their belly and will point to their head but we're still working on other body parts. They also both know how to climb up the slide and go down on their bottom by themselves. It's somewhat terrifying to watch especially when they decide to climb up and stand on top of the slide. Seriously, terrifying.

Harper LOVES books!  They both love books but Harper really loves them.  She will bring you books over and over to read! Plus she will sit on her own and look through them. I don't even need to look at the book to read Brown Bear, Brown Bear.

Now that the weather is getting nicer, they love to play outside! Squeegee's toys (old gross tennis balls) are their favorite but they also like to play corn hole.  Their version of corn hole consists of sitting on top of the board.

Their vocabulary is slowly growing.  Keegan has started saying night night and I think he tries to say dog and book.  Harper has said go a few times. Probably because she hears us tell Squeegee to "Go!" all the time. Harper's favorite word is definitely up. She says up all the time! I think she tries to say dance as well but I'm not quite sure.

The biggest change recently is dropping the morning nap.  We dropped Harper's morning nap about 2 weeks ago and Keegan's a few days ago.  They aren't quite ready for just 1 nap but they don't need 2 naps either. We just power through the mornings and make it till 12:15/12:30.  And then we hope for the best! They celebrated their 16 month birthday yesterday with a 3 hour nap! #amazing

Our current schedule:
7:30 AM - Wake
7:45 AM - Breakfast
9:30/10:00 AM - Snack
11:30 AM - Lunch
12:15/12:30 PM - Nap
2:30/3:30 PM - Wake from Nap & Have a snack
5:00/5:30 PM - Dinner
6:30 PM - Bath time
7:15 PM - Bedtime

Some days Harper & Keegan eat like teenagers while other days they don't eat much at all.  Most of the time though, they LOVE food! If they see you eating something they turn into begging puppy dogs until you give them a bite. Eating a donut? I hope you didn't want much of it because they will eat it all. Or if you accidentally leave the pantry door open they will bring you every squeeze pouch, puff, and yogurt melt within their reach.

Overall, Harper & Keegan are doing great!  They are so fun to be around (most of the time) and continue to amaze me each day!


  1. The corn hole comment made me laugh out loud. I think they have the right idea. :) So much fun to read about these two. I wish you guys lived closer so we could have more play-dates! :)

    1. They are excellent corn hole players! Better than me, for sure! I wish we lived closer too! We'd have play dates all the time!


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